Sun Shines

Sun Shines

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Lake of Inner Strength in Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Lake of Inner Strength in Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
Keywords: Double minded, Swaying, Low

 Dr Faustus can be seen double minded throughout the play. He repents on leaving learning, greatest work of the world adopting showiness. He involves in superfluous things. There are several aspects which show his lake of inner strength. 

To get magical charm he signed satanic contract to be condemned willingly. Later on he is not satisfied completely with it. He has no inner strength and in position to judge the things very well. He is told a scholar in religion and he feels need to ask question about who has created this world. A common man can indicate who is master of the world.

As a scholar he is not established mentally. He has no inner strength which requires for a scholar and learned person. He has no stamina which is necessary for the sake of greatest work of world. He enjoys playing jokes with courtiers. Being invisible he shows tricks in the court. Later on he seems bore by playing the tricks. He states that by signing the contract he has been deprived by the mercy of God.

In starting he becomes fed up by all type of knowledge. It is lake of inner strength that he begins to believe that magic is more powerful than that. Philosophy is odious and obscure to him. Both law and physic are for petty wits. He states that magic has ravished him. A scholar is capable person who guides and directs others but he asks his friends help him in this attempt magic. Faustus thanks Lucifer and promises that he will keep the magic as chary as his life.

 A time came when he curses upon him why he joined the magic on cost of soul. He had accepted to be condemned by mercy of Almighty God. He realizes that he has fed up by the magic and when he beholds the heavens. He curses upon wicked Mephistophilis  because he has deprived him from his real joys. He protests that his heart is hardened and he is unable to repent. He is unable even to think about faith. Satanic powers force Faustus vow never look to heaven.

 Dr Faustus has downed and degraded himself by adopting magic. He has left his faith in himself and in God that is despair and death. He has no inner strength necessary for a scholar and learned person.

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