Sun Shines

Sun Shines

Sunday 4 February 2018

Humanities in Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

 Humanities in Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe

Keywords: Intellectual, thinker, mastermind

            A scholar’s intellectual powers are in his control and he focuses on good for sake of humanity. Doctor Faustus is told a well-respected German scholar who has vast knowledge of logic, medicine, law, and religion. A high qualified person has developed an aptitude for study and remains restless for facts. There are several aspects don’t match Faustus and a scholar because he seems mediocre person throughout the play.

            Doctor is a well-respected German scholar. On this level he can’t ignore his knowledge.  He is a thinker and his thinking powers are in his control. It is not possible for him to mock on others and accept superfluous things to think. He doesn’t like showy things like magic or tricks.  Negative thinking, negative actions,  petty things , react aggressively are not the characteristics of mastermind people.He can happy with discussions and interactions. He can’t be happy on getting rich gifts.
             His work becomes his life in his soul. False images can’t appeal to a scholar who is learned person. He is restless without searching while every subject under his study is limitless horizons. There is no discussion and no exposure of scholarly knowledge which could distinguish his thirst of knowledge. Perhaps it was not so advance age as it is now or may be Marlowe wanted to say differently.

             Faustus gains limitless power however, his horizons seem to be narrowed. On the other hand conjuring tricks give him strange delight. Gaining absolute power corrupts Faustus by making him mediocre. He is transformed into a person who pleases in petty things and showy tricks.

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