Sun Shines

Sun Shines

Thursday 15 February 2018

Head of the family, in a Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry

Head of the family, in a Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine


Keywords: Supervise, Guide, Educate

             Mama is maternal head of the family in every way. She does her duty devotedly as to supervise her family very well. She is caring and loving. She corrects her children, Walter, Ruth and Beneatha when she thinks they need it. She realizes her responsibilities towards her family very well. There are several aspects which are sufficient to argue in her support.

            When she comes to know that Ruth doesn’t want her next child and she is going to destroy the child she advises her to be relax and feel tension free. In this respect she also directs her son that they are the persons who give life to their children but not destroy them. She refers her husband’s sayings when she is convincing her son.

            On finding her daughter’s controversial thoughts about religion she minds it and doesn’t like her views. She knows well that faith is a great source of faith in human beings. If a person losses faith he or she can develop negative thinking in mind and in result possibility is to lost personal faith also.
            Similarly Beneatha’s low feelings about her brother are disliked by Mama. She reminds her that she and her husband had taught her to love her brother since her childhood. And how she can forget that lesson, parents had given her on any step. She makes her to get things. She argues that a brother can make mistake but it doesn’t mean that he deserves to be hatred or disliked. She will not let him loose his confidence only for the sake of money .Any person can make mistakes in life intentionally or unintentionally but he or she should not be downed. Family members are to rise him up but not to feel him down and degraded.
            Everyway mama is maternal head of the family. She feels her responsibility to stand her son as a future head of the family and be confident. She has started to educate him for such purposes successfully as he begins to realize his responsibilities towards his family.


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